Reasons to Keep your Private Life, PRIVATE

Well, seriously, a private life is a happy life. With Modern technology fast approaching these days, and with the news spreads quickly through the internet, for the private and public individual, keeping a private life is a little bit difficult more than the previous days. 

Rather, should I say, it’s quite flattering that everyone has genuine interests to know each other’s whereabouts, what we do, what we work, what we share,  what is our recent relationship, how do we live and a lot more personal stuff?

More so, we add fuel to these ourselves by also sharing information about our personal stuff over the social media.

To be honest, it isn’t bad to share a few of our selected issues in social media, this is also one good way for everyone to know that we are still existing.

Not to mention that this is one of the easy ways to keep in touch with our family and long-lost friends.

But then, over-doing it by keeping your  daily life open in the public is 100% “MUST NOT.”

It’s still better to keep our life away from the limelight. That way, we will also minimize third-party to butt-in our personal struggles.


Reasons why?

1. A private life is a happy life- In the sense that we do not have to engage ourselves with all the unnecessary dramas, chaos, and gossips that has nothing to do with our lives or to people/things that are none of our business. Moreover,  our daily life would not be totally exposed to everyone and be the target of anyone’s gossip.

2. We do not keep our life open for everyone to see. To live in private. Love in private. Keep everything we do in private. Then we could also manage our losses in private and rebuild ourselves in private.

3. Nothing good will ever come out by sharing our sentiments in public. Sharing our recent heartbreak, swearings, bad-mouthing, hatreds will only lose our dignity. We are on the losing end,  the fact that we won’t be able to get any sincere sympathy from random people, rather, we would only give people them the opportunity to dig in and add salt to our injury.

How we do it?

1. Be boring- Definitely. If you don’t want people to know every little detail about you, BORE THEM TO DEATH. Do not provide information every single thing you do and will do in your life. Be a mystery. 

A person who retains a sense of mystery doesn’t engage in gossip, quietly progresses & does their thing without the need for an audience.

2. Oversharing –  Cmon, some people do this to gather some attention. –> this is why they labeled it as “Narcissist”–  a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. They want to be the center of attraction.

Sometimes I wonder why some people love to post everything on social media, from their injured toe to the faces inside the casket of their family who recently passed away, including their current thoughts, what to buy, what to eat, show off every little thing, talk about people, and a lot more non sense that shouldn’t be posted anyway?

3. We have to limit what we share- As we cannot totally ban ourselves from social media and the internet, we could at least limit what we share and save some private stuff to yourself.

I myself don’t consider myself unplugged from the social media. I consider myself private, but I do share some of my personal stuff in my own way.

It ’s only about setting your boundaries to a certain level.

Finding your way of sharing without having to feel like you are totally outcasted.

4. Keep a low key Life- By keeping a low key life and limiting information about ourselves, we also minimize other people the power to define who we are. We have to stop treating people like we owe them any explanations or details of what’s the latest issue in our life.

Sometimes we post things with the intention to spread our sentiments in order to reach our target.

5. Being confidential or off-the-record isn’t bad. It’s not because all your accomplishments are not posted on social media means it’s nothing. 

It’s not a sign of unhappiness. It’s just a sign of confidence and REAL contentment.

Author: Chescadventures

Sharing Life and everything in between, Travel and Adventures through my passion for writing. For more Blogs- Follow

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